The hair typing system is attributed to Andre Walker, hair stylist of Oprah Winfrey for over 25 years who has also styled former first lady of United States of America, Michelle Obama. In his 1997 book “Andre Hair Talks”, Andre breaks down the different types of hair and the appropriate hair care suitable for each hair type. In the Andre Walker Hair Typing System TM .
There are four types with sub divisions labelled A, B or C. African textured hair is usually type 3 and 4. The hair typing system is just a guide as an African textured hair can have a mixture of Type 3 and 4, with this guide, a person can look for the dominating type and carve their hair care regimen around it.
What works for one person might work for you or NOT! So, it’s all about experimenting with your own hair and find out what works best for you. The guidelines are however a great starting point for everybody. However, there other hair typing guides out there.